The “toxic atmosphere” from (Svenska Staten) The Swedish government
and it’s legal authorities has been ongoing since the Swedish legal team and the
Swedish prosecutor made the unbelievable mistake to release Assange’s name to
the media in Sweden and World wide long time before the case was even
established in a Swedish legal system. In the first place the “existing
allegations” are not “very serious” as anyone now can understand from the
authentic documentations widely available. The Swedish justice system have since
the first defamation of Assange (first published in the Swedish tabloid news
paper)trying to conceal it’s own failure to avoid compensation to Assange. This
is very serious! The Courts in Sweden and England do not have more
information in this case than the general public have in this current situation,
both sides of the legal teams now are very aware about.
The Minister of Justice Beatrice Ask have urged Mr Assange “to turn
him self in” a very ridicules suggestion as he more than less was “deported”
from Sweden when his application for residence in Sweden was turned down and was
staying an extra month in Sweden for the purpose to an interview. He was told he
could leave Sweden! This is an extraordinary distortion the Swedish Prime
Minister Reinfeldt representing and on top of that using a language like Assange
would be the “enemy of the people”. This is nothing more than a very ugly
I really hope the lawyer Geoffrey Robertson and his Swedish lawyer
Bjorn Hurtig vill strongly oppose the Prime Minsters blunder and file a law
suite for compensation for Assange ASAP, no matter what the English Judge will
The result of that could actually lead to the Swedish Minister of
Justice resignation, at least.
It is ironic how hard Assange and his team are working at avoiding justice for Assange.
The “toxic atmosphere” from (Svenska Staten) The Swedish government and it’s legal authorities has been ongoing since the Swedish legal team and the Swedish prosecutor made the unbelievable mistake to release Assange’s name to the media in Sweden and World wide long time before the case was even established in a Swedish legal system.
In the first place the “existing allegations” are not “very serious” as anyone now can understand from the authentic documentations widely available. The Swedish justice system have since the first defamation of Assange (first published in the Swedish tabloid news paper)trying to conceal it’s own failure to avoid compensation to Assange. This is very serious!
The Courts in Sweden and England do not have more information in this case than the general public have in this current situation, both sides of the legal teams now are very aware about.
The Minister of Justice Beatrice Ask have urged Mr Assange “to turn him self in” a very ridicules suggestion as he more than less was “deported” from Sweden when his application for residence in Sweden was turned down and was staying an extra month in Sweden for the purpose to an interview. He was told he could leave Sweden!
This is an extraordinary distortion the Swedish Prime Minister Reinfeldt representing and on top of that using a language like Assange would be the “enemy of the people”. This is nothing more than a very ugly politics.
I really hope the lawyer Geoffrey Robertson and his Swedish lawyer Bjorn Hurtig vill strongly oppose the Prime Minsters blunder and file a law suite for compensation for Assange ASAP, no matter what the English Judge will decide.
The result of that could actually lead to the Swedish Minister of Justice resignation, at least.
Ture Sjölander